Live tournament news: Matthias Eibinger wins the €50k single-day high roller

Live tournament news: Matthias Eibinger wins the €50k single-day high roller

Резултат с изображение за European Poker Tour in Monte Carlo

Matthias Eibinger wins his third $50k buy-in event after taking down the €50,000 Single-Day High Roller at the PokerStars European Poker Tour in Monte Carlo.


The last of the Single-Day High Rollers is as dead as Rainier Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand Grimaldi, and the Austrian, Matthias Eibinger, is the man who took the last of its kind in Monte Carlo for at least another year.

The €50,000 Single-Day High Roller at the PokerStars European Poker Tour (EPT) attracted 58-entrants (36 -unique, 22 re-entries), and only eight would get paid.

We reached the final table of nine, and therefore the money bubble after Jean-Noel Thorel eliminated Christoph Vogelsang in a flip QQ>AK, and Sam Greenwood hit the rail hard after his pocket aces failed to beat Alex Foxen’s pocket tens, as he turned a spade four-flush.

Live tournament news: Matthias Eibinger wins the €50k single-day high roller

Ben Heath was the bookies favourite to bear the title ‘Bubble Boy’, but the short-stack doubled through Thorel when pocket sevens outraced AK.

Then a pileup that saw the field dwindle to seven.

With blinds at 15k/30k/30k, Daniel Dvoress moved all-in for his remaining 110,000, Seth Davies followed suit for 5k more, and Foxen called on the button. The blinds folded, Dvoress showed pocket queens, Davies showed AcKc, but Foxen had them smashed with pocket aces. Dvoress left with nothing, and Davies left with €112,540.

Shortly after that hand, Michael Soyza slipped his last 15,000 across the line with Jc7d, and Foxen’s QdTh gobbled them up. And Foxen continued his one-person demolition job when he removed Thorel from the equation after KhTh beat KdJc after the Global Poker Index (GPI) #1 rivered a straight.

The blinds were 25k/50k/50k when Alexander Uskov moved all-in for 350,000 from the cutoff, and Wai Leong Chan took a look with AhTd. Uskov showed KsTc and left the contest in fifth place, five cards later.

Heath exited in fourth place after his pocket fives failed to beat the AcQc of Foxen, and we were heads-up after Matthias Eibinger’s QsTh beat the 8h6h of Chan.


Foxen – 3,220,000
Eibinger – 2,580,000

Eibinger took the lead in the following hand.

With blinds at 30k/60k/60k, Eibinger called from the button and then called again when Foxen made it 255,000 to play. The dealer laid the Td7s7c onto the felt, and Eibinger called a check-raise worth 555,000. The turn card was the 7h, and Foxen bet 465,000; Eibinger called. The Kc on the river slowed Foxen down. He checked, Eibinger moved all-in, and Foxen folded.

Eibinger – 3,905,000
Foxen – 1,895,000

Then it was all over.

Eibinger called on the button, Foxen moved all-in, and Eibinger called. Foxen held pocket fours, Eibinger held AdJh, and a jack on the flop sealed the win for the Austrian.

The win ranks as Eibinger’s fourth, with three of them coming in $50k buy-in events (the other was a $25k event). What makes Eibinger standout from the competition his how successful he has become in such a narrow timeframe, winning more than $6m in fewer than three years.

It’s the first time he has placed ITM in PokerStars EPT Monte Carlo events (he also finished tenth in the €25,000 Single High Roller a few days ago).

Foxen continues to be a powerhouse in these fields. The GPI #1 also made the final table of the €25k Single-Day High Roller, placing fifth.

Here are the final table results.

Final Table Results

1. Matthias Eibinger – €844,080
2. Alex Foxen – €610,550
3. Wai Leong Chan – €393,900
4. Ben Heath – €298,240
5. Alexander Uskov – €230,710
6. Jean-Noel Thorel – €180,070
7. Michael Soyza – €143,490
8. Seth Davies – €112,540​

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